Monday, April 29, 2013

-Covering of a Woman-

           I was recently asked a question concerning head coverings for women, and although I have heard or read many ideas on the subject none have satisfied the unction from the Ru’ach that witnesses to the truth. Therefore I began to seek earnestly for an answer to the meaning of the covering of a woman. I do not expect in no way that this short summary to cover everything that our FATHER wishes to give us, but it should give at least some insight into this subject.

           Instead of rehearsing how head coverings should be worn, I'd like to focus on what it means to be "covered", and why is it even something to be concerned with.

            First, there must be an awareness that everything in this natural world is designed to be some form of the likeness or image of the Shamaym. In truth, we are to be the image and likeness of Alahym on the earth. This is why it is so important that we do not try to make an image of Him for ourselves. We are to be that image, made by Alahym and not by our own devises. 

           The word wife, as it is translated into the English, is first used in the second chapter of Bereshith/Genesis, let’s read it now.

            “And Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one is called I’shah, because she was taken out of I’ysh. For this cause an I’ysh shall leave his father and mother, and be joined unto his I’shah, and they shall become one flesh.’”
-Bereshith/Genesis 2:23-24

I’ysh איש: Husband
I’shah אשּה: Wife
Adam אדם: I’ysh and (or) I’shah; the completed man (Bereshith/Genesis 5:2)

            The words used here, I’ysh and I’shah, do not simply mean male and female. We can see those words used in Bereshith 1:27 and 5:2, zakar זכר: male, and nĕqebah נקבה: female. I’ysh and I’shah represent one creature, Adam, for he said, “Because this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh we shall be joined and become one flesh.” The I’shah is the part of the I’ysh that is under authority of the head. The I’ysh, who is the image of Alahym, is supposed to receive seed (the Word) from the FATHER and then give that seed to the I’shah and she in turn brings forth fruit as it is written,

            “And Adam called his wife’s name Cha’uah, because she became the mother of all living.”
-Bereshith/Genesis 3:20

             If we can begin to see into this unity or oneness between a man and woman, we can then start to understand the unity YHUH Alahym wants to share with us. Adam was first formed, and then the I’shah was taken from him leaving the I’ysh or authority part of Adam. The I’shah will always have some form of authority over her, the same is true of the I’ysh. The authority over the I’shah is her I’ysh or husband, and the authority over the I’ysh is Alahym. In either case the authority does not ever manifest itself as a hard domineering taskmaster but as the unity of a body for itself. It is hard for most to comprehend this kind of unity but it is exactly what our FATHER has designed for us from the foundation of the world.

             In this fallen world of “self-worship”, the humble thoughts and actions that lead into unity is an unheard tone to the deaf ears of this age.

             None of us has probably ever seen our heart, lungs, kidneys, or any other of the hundreds of parts inside our own bodies. Yet they all do their jobs without complaining or receiving any esteem. In this way, each of us has our own part to play in the body that YHUH has designed for Himself. This Body begins with the Head of the Anointed-One and then the Body of the Anointed-One being subject to the Head. The man and the woman as they were created by Alahym are a likeness to this relationship.

            The wife or I’shah was designed to have a covering or authority over her. In every way the names of Adam speak to this idea, I’ysh and I’shah, male and female, man and woman, they all show that the woman was taken from the man and is designed to be part of him. The two become one, and together are called Adam. This is a shadow of the true Eternal nature of Alahym and man.

              The wife has authority because the husband had authority first. The husband has authority because of the Word of Alahym. If a woman is not married she is then devoted to the Body of Alahym and her authority is in the Anointed-One Himself.

             The reasons for this idea of authority is that the I’shah is the vessel that is designed to carry the seed of life. There are forces opposed to the plan of YHUH Alahym that will take every opportunity that can be found to implant their own corrupt seed into the I’shah by placing their own authority on her head. The example of this taking place can be seen in Bereshith/Genesis chapter 6. Once this occurs the fruit that is given birth to will always be mighty on the earth but corrupt in the eyes of YHUH.

              Any authority that a husband exerts should only come by his unity with YHUH, and any authority that the wife exerts should only be by the unity with her husband. Fulfilling the will of our FATHER is all that any of us can hope to complete. If we allow Him to have His will in our lives, we will find true joy and peace with our being.

            The I’ysh and I’shah working in the proper union is a wonder that will show the appropriate unity between YHUH and His Body here on the earth.

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